Date: August 5, 2009
1. 7:00 PM Selectmen to review minutes of previous meeting(s).
2. 7:05 PM Public Input.
3. 7:15 PM Pole Hearing on petition to relocate three jointly owned poles on Yokum Pond Road due to bridge project.
4. Selectmen to vote to set date for Special Town Meeting on August 29, 2009 and vote to open warrant for submission of articles.
5. Selectmen to vote to include article from Town Clerk on Special Town Meeting warrant.
6. Selectmen to discuss the Wade Inn Road truck traffic issue.
7. Selectmen to vote to issue permit for a one-day liquor license for the Becket Arts Center on August 16, 2009 from 2-8 p.m.
8. Selectmen to sign liquor licenses for KMS, Inc. d/b/a Becket Country Store for a seasonal all alcoholic and an annual beer and wine package store license.
9. Selectmen to review Release Notification and Notice of Responsibility from the DEP regarding the release of mineral oil dielectric fluid from a transformer at 142 Jacobs Ladder Road.
10. Selectmen to vote to list meetings on the 2010 Community Birthday Calendar.
11. Selectmen to review letter regarding diesel fuel leak on private property by fire truck responding to structure fire.
12. Selectmen to review letter from the School Committee of the CBRSD asking for a representative to serve on the Strategic Planning Committee.
13. Selectmen to review letter of interest from Bonnie Falk to be appointed to the Becket Cultural Council.
14. Selectmen to vote to sign letter to Representatives Denis Guyer and Benjamin Downing regarding Senate 2120 “An Act Further Regulating Animal Control”.
15. Selectmen to review letter of resignation from Leon Glazerman from the South Berkshire Technology Committee effective immediately.
16. Selectmen to vote to sign the Final Clean Energy Choice Community Matching Grant Agreement.
17. Monthly reports of the Building Inspector and Police Department.
18. Any other business to come before the Board.
19. Review Correspondence.
20. Selectmen to review payroll/expense warrants.